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I am a digital collage artist and I collect found imagery of animals that are close to extinction and using the medium collage to create bizarre images. The point of this is I wish to raise awareness of what animals could go extinct if we don’t act now and so by using them in my work, I am saying we must treat animals as equals, as we are all one. I do this by collaging animals acting like humans and place people and animals alongside each other as equals. The target of this project is to change people’s perspectives of how they see animals.


I did this by collaging myself and the animals in the photographs I took and found in books, magazines and on web resources. I carefully choose the animals based on my pose and the photograph itself, so that it tells a fairy-tale story of being friends with animals you wouldn’t be realistically friends within the real world.


It also makes it more interesting to look at as to why I chose to portray myself in the images with the animals in a unique and surrealistic way. The scenes I use to place me and the animals within are scenes you wouldn’t imagine an animal being in like for example, Polar Bears being on the wing of a plane. I am inspired by fairy-tale books and movies such as Peter Pan and Alice In The Wonderland.


The theme behind my work is Anthropomorphism and the material I mostly work with is printed photography and I use a projector to display my digital collages. I am fascinated with animals and how they behave and look and how using them in my work changes the way they behave and look.


I have always been intrigued by animals as an artist like in the past, I have used Cats in my collages and created intentionally bizarre scenes, by making them look and act like humans. I then experimented making my own magazines and newspapers involving Cats, that was targeted for Cats to buy as a joke.


My work is kitschy and surreal, and the scale of my work depends on what collage I plan on doing but I normally work on size A4 up to size A1. My collages are playful and humorous.

© 2021 By TJ Barnard

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